Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Are whipkick more efficient when doing breaststroke?

So I have been swimming the breaststroke lately and people have told me I've been doing the kick wrongly. I have been doing the 'frog-kick' where my knees are not stationary(open and close).

So I eventually switched to whip kick(focusing on keeping the knees close together and just whipping the outward pointing feet together). However, after like a month of doing the whip kick,I still find it slower than the wrong "frog-kick".

Why is this so?Am I doing the whip kick wrongly?Any help is greatly appreciated,thanks! :)|||Not only is frog kick slower, it is illegal in competition. Your knees are not allowed to be wider than your feet during the kick.

Focus on the main "pulling surfaces" of your kick. While your feet are circling around, focus on pushing the water with the area from your big toe down to your arch. When your feet have reached the widest point, focus bringing both legs together.

One of the common problems people have with whip kick is drawing the knees up toward the chest. Instead, lift the soles of your feet up toward the surface.

Hang in there -- you'll get it eventually.|||The whip kick is designed to be faster. When i used to swim freestyle i would bicycle kick on my breath and my coach told me to change it and when i did i felt slow but now i don't do that anymore and i am much faster. Same thing here. The frog kick takes more time to execute and creates more drag. The Whip kick you have less drag and you can kick faster just keep working and practicing with it and you'll get faster.

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